Airbnb hosts are busy all year around, but even more so during the festive season. Yes, it’s the perfect opportunity to maximise bookings and income, but we know just how manic things can become during this period.
It’s important for hosts to plan ahead to ensure a successful festive season for their Airbnb properties. You can follow some of our tips below to help you!
Winter maintenance
A lot can go wrong with all properties during the winter simply due to the cold and unpredictable weather. A little bit of essential maintenance before the coldest days arrive should ensure a smooth-running festive season.
No guest wants to stay in a chilly property, and definitely no guest wants to take a cold shower, especially not now! Now is the ideal time to have your boiler serviced to ensure it is in a good working condition for the even colder days that are yet to come.
Windows and doors
Not only are drafty windows and doors unpleasant for guests, but they will be unpleasant for hosts too when they find that their heating bills have drastically increased. Be sure to inspect the seals on windows and doors for any holes or cracks where heat may escape.
Gutters can become clogged with leaves or other debris during winter if they are not cleaned, which can prevent snow from being able to drain and can ultimately cause roof leaks, and, in more extreme cases, roof collapses.
Set your rules
Bookings around the festive season can often cause a bit of concern amongst some hosts because it’s also known as the party season. We’ve all heard horror stories of guests throwing parties and trashing Airbnb properties, but cases like these are rare. Hosts should not let this concern put them off thriving through the festivities. Nonetheless, hosts must always make the ground rules clear to guests. This means including this information in your booking contract, listing, and, if you have one, guest handbook. You may also want to:
- Take damage deposits
- Accept the right guests
- Take out comprehensive insurance to ensure you are covered from theft and damage by guests.
Optimize your listing
If you are specifically hoping to maximise your bookings during the festive period, you might want to make some changes to your property’s description, accordingly. Is your property close to Christmas markets? Or perhaps it’s amongst some of the best high-street stores, perfect for a weekend of Christmas shopping! Whatever you think will make your property appealing to those looking for a festive getaway, be sure to mention it either in its online headline or description.
Get into the Christmas spirit
And last but not least, don’t be afraid to get into the Christmas spirit. Christmas decorations are sure to put a smile on anyone’s face. Whether it be a wreath on the door or a little bit of tinsel, it’s simple yet effective. You don’t necessarily have to put up a full-size Christmas tree in the living room, a little effort always goes a long way. But if you really do want to go that extra mile, why not gift your guests with some festive treats like gingerbread or mince pies? Afterall, ‘tis the season to be giving…

Are you an Airbnb host who needs help planning for a successful festive season this year? Get in touch with BNBHost today. We offer a hassle-free, comprehensive Airbnb management service in Glasgow that allows you to enjoy more of your own time and financial freedom.
Contact us for a chat about how we can help you.